

Switzerland was one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with Greece. The level of our bilateral relations is very good. Greek Consular authorities operate in Geneva, Zurich and Lugano.

Political Relations

Relations between the two countries are at a very good level. Major Swiss companies are active in Greece.

Cultural Relations and Greek Community

In Switzerland, there is a strong interest in both ancient and modern Greek culture. There are chairs in an Ancient Greek Studies in major cities, and Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Departments at a number of universities. There are also many Greek and Philhellenic organizations active culturally. In Switzerland, there are a number of scientific and cultural public welfare institutions that have been founded by Greeks and offer, among other things, scholarships and academic prizes to Greek and Swiss university students.
There are some 11,000 Greeks residing in Switzerland, most of whom (approximately 7,000) live in Zurich.

Embassy in Bern

Address : Weltpoststrasse 4, Postfach 72, 3015 Bern Schweiz
Tel. : (004131) 3561414
Fax : (004131) 3681272
E-mail : gremb.brn@mfa.gr
Web Site: www.mfa.gr/bern
Head of Mission : Charalambos Manesis

Consular office in Bern

Address : Weltpoststrasse 4, Postfach 72, 3015 Bern Schweiz
Tel. : (004131) 3561414
Fax : 3681272
Emergency Tel: 004179 5543071
E-mail : grcon.brn@mfa.gr
Web Site : www.mfa.gr/bern
Head : Ioannis Mitzalis

Permanent Mission in Geneva

Address : 4, rue du Leman, 1201 Geneve
Tel. : (004122) 9098940
Fax : 7322150
Emergency Tel: 0041796859387
E-mail: grdel.gva@mfa.gr
Web Site: http://www.mfa.gr/permanent-mission-geneva
Permanent Representative: Αlexandros Alexandris

Consulate General in Geneva

Address : 1, Rue Pedro Meylan, 1208 Geneve Suisse
Tel. : (004122) 7353747, 7357390
Fax : 7869844
Emergency Tel: 0041794176938
E-mail : grgencon.gnv@mfa.gr
Web Site: www.mfa.gr/geneva
Consul General : Aggelos Ipsilantis

Honorary Consulate General in Zurich

Adresse: Bellerivestrasse 67, 8034 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel.: 004144 388 5577
Télécopie: 004144 388 5570
E-mail: grconszh@mpx.ch
Internet Page: www.mfa.gr/bern
Consul général honoraire : Dimitrios Papadopoulos

Honorary Consulate in Lugano

Adresse: Via Ferrucio Pelli 12, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland
Tel.: (004191) 9211601
Télécopie: (004191) 9211071
On-Call: 004176 5153206
E-mail: consolatodigrecia@bluewin.ch
Web Site: www.mfa.gr/bern
Consul honoraire: Alexandros Papadatos-Beis

Embassy of Switzerland in Greece

Iassiou 2
115 21 Athens
Tel +30 210 723 03 64 / 65 / 66
Fax +30 210 724 92 09
e-mail: ath.vertretung@eda.admin.ch

Honorary consulate in Greece

Iassiou 2
115 21 Athens
Tel +30 210 723 03 64 / 65 / 66
Fax +30 210 724 92 09
e-mail: ath.vertretung@eda.admin.ch


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