U.S. Consul General, Rebecca A. Fong, at the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce “Pita Cutting” celebration

U.S. Consul General, Rebecca A. Fong, at the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce “Pita Cutting” celebration

“2015 was a year filled with quite a few challenges and uncertainty here in Greece. Throughout all of it, the U.S. has been Greece’s steadfast friend. This will not change.,” said U.S. Consul General, Rebecca A. Fong, during her remarks at the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce “Pita Cutting” celebration on February 1; an event honoring an old Greek tradition and celebrating U.S. – Greek business partnerships.

Consul General Fong stressed to more than 250 guests – including the Regional Governor, the Mayor, members of the Diplomatic Corps, the business community and young entrepreneurs – that Greece needs to adopt strategies to attract and retain foreign companies. It needs to treat investors and businesses as partners, creating an environment in which they can succeed.

CG Fong emphasized the need to support the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) and invited everyone to the upcoming HANNOVER MESSE Industrial Trade Fair – the world’s largest trade fair for industrial technology – of which the U.S. has been named the official Partner Country.