Greece is represented in Sri Lanka via parallel accreditation of its Embassy in New Delhi. Sri Lanka’s Embassy in Rome has parallel accreditation for Greece.
Political Relations
Relations between the two countries are good, bilateral and multilateral cooperation is satisfactory.
Greece took immediate action upon the news of the tsunami that hit regions in Southeast Asia in December 2004 in order provide relief and help those affected by the tsunami.
A Greek cruiseship carrying 500 tons of emergency humanitarian aid, including pharmaceutical and medical supplies, sailed from Athens for Sri Lanka. The boat remained in Trincomalee for 3 months, operating as a hospital ward.
With regard to long-term development aid, more than €8 million have been allocated as financing for reconstruction and infrastructure projects in the sectors of education, health, fishing and shipping.
Competent Authority: Greek Embassy in New Delhi, India.
Honorary Consulate General in Colombo
Address : John Keells Holdings Plc, 130, Glennie Street, Colombo 2, Sri Lanka
Tel. : (009411) 2306767
Fax : (009411) 2439031
E-mail :
Honorary Consul General: Ajit Damon Gunewardene
Accredited Embassy of Sri Lanka in Greece
2, Via Adige – 00198 Rome – ITALY
Τel: 0039.06.884.08.01, Fax: 0039.
Κanari 20, 106 74, Αthens
Τel:, Fax: