Norwegian government announced the introduction of border controls

Today, November 26, the Norwegian government will introduce temporary border controls, to prevent people without the required travel documents from entering the country.

“This is a measure to gain better control of the influx of refugees,” says the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Anders Anundsen (Progress Party).

“We are imposing temporary border controls for the ferry routes between Norway and the European Continent. Territorial control in frontier areas will also be further tightened. The purpose is to better be able to prevent the entry of people who do not have the required travel documents to enter Norway,” says Anundsen.

Requirements will also be introduced for the shipping companies to check documents when ferries are boarded. In practice this means that people who do not have valid travel documents for Norway may be refused entry at ferry terminals on the Continent.

Anundsen says that there will also be increased control of Norway’s borders to Sweden.

“We are further tightening the control in the frontier areas of Østfold and Hedmark.” Additional measures to tighten border controls on land are being continuously assessed.

“Norway is pursuing a strict and fair asylum policy. The Ministry of Justice and Public Security will continuously assess whether there is a need to expand the control to include border crossings for air traffic and at national frontiers, and whether the period of border control should be extended,” says Anundsen.