Martin Schulz’s announcement after his visit in Lesvos island

Martin Schulz – European Parliament President after his visit to Lesvos announced:

”I just concluded a two-day visit to Greece to assess the refugee‬ and migration situation on the ground, in Athens‬ and on the island of Lesbos‬.

The situation is dramatic. Much more needs to be done to start managing the situation.

First of all it is urgent for the Greek authorities to complete the five designated hotspots.

Secondly, to be effective, these centers need active relocation by all Member States in the proportions agreed in legally binding form in the Council.

Thirdly, we need an upgraded policy on returns for those who have no right to stay, and readmission agreements must be implemented or negotiated.

Fourthly, we must engage in a frank discussion with Turkey and implement our agreements step by step in a spirit of mutual cooperation, recognising the considerable efforts deployed by Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan in hosting people displaced due to the Syrian conflict.”