Federica Mogherini, High Representative/Vice-President of the European Commission, in her interview to the italian newspaper, ilsole24ore, to the journalist, Beda Romano warns about the risk of a disintegration of Europe in the absence of common rules to manage immigration.
As Federica Mogherini mentioned: ”The redistribution of refugees is difficult from an organizational standpoint, yet it is both possible and necessary. It is true that for now, the number of redistributed people in the entire Union is symbolic; but in the last six months, since the Union has published the immigration agenda, for the first time the solidarity principle has been adopted in a context that, before, was managed at a national level. Redistribution will not be easy to implement, also due to the fact that many countries have no experience in welcoming foreigners. Thus, we will have to do a “supportive” kind of job.
Vice-President of the European Commission also commented that:
”At this point, everyone is aware that the Dublin principle does not give the Union the tools to react to the immigration phenomenon provoked by wars, poverty and climate change. No country can possibly manage the problem alone. The crisis we are currently living under in Europe is not due to the number of refugees arriving from Northern Africa or the Middle East, but rather to the lack of common tools. The gap between the European phenomenon and the national tools is wide. The crisis will worsen, with chain reactions from national public opinions and governments if we do not arm ourselves with adequate tools. Without these, there is a risk of disintegration; vice versa if we provide ourselves with them—and it will not be easy—we could take a leap forward into integration.”