

The Greek Embassy in Tallinn opened in January 2005, and Estonia has an Embassy in Athens.

Political Relations

The two countries cooperate closely within the framework of international organizations; particularly the European Union and NATO.

Cultural Relations and Greek Community

In recent years, cooperation has been developing between Greek and Estonian cultural organizations, a salient example being the collaboration between the Frissiras Museum in Athens and the Pärnu Museum on the hosting in Estonia of exhibits by Greek artists. In Tartu, Estonia, there is a Classical Studies Department for Latin and Ancient Greek.

Λίγα Λόγια για τον Πρέσβη

avat Margus Rava | Ambassador of Estonia

Embassy in Tallinn

Address : Harju 6, 10130 Tallinn – Estonia
Tel. : (00372) 6403560
Fax : (00372) 6403561
Emergency Tel: 00372 640 35 60
E-mail : ,
Web Site:
Head of Mission : Constantine Catsambis

Consular office in Tallinn

Address : Harju 6, 10130 Tallinn – Estonia
Tel. : (00372) 6403560
Fax : (00372) 6403561
E-mail :
Web Site :
Head: Evanghelia Kamariotou

Embassy of Estonia in Greece

Messogion Ave. 2-4
Athens Tower, 23rd floor
GR-115 27 Athens
tel. (30 210) 74 75 660
fax (30 210) 74 75 661

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