DARMASISWA is a one year non degree scholarship program offered to all foreign students from countries which have diplomatic relationship with Indonesia to study Indonesian language, arts, music and crafts. Participants may choose one of 54 different universities located in myriad cities in Indonesia. This program is organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA).
The DARMASISWA program was started in 1974 as part of ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) initiative, admitting only students from ASEAN. However, in 1976 this program was extended to include students from other countries such as Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hungary, .lanan Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and the 90s, this program was extended further to include countries which have diplomatic relationship with Indonesia. To date, there are 115 number of countries participated in this program.
The main purpose of the DARMASISWA program is to promote and increase the interest in the language and culture of Indonesia among the youth of other countries. It has also been designed to provide stronger cultural links and understanding among participating countries. This program is also developed to support World Class University (WCU) and intercollegiate cooperation.
II. Schedule of Program
1. Registration and Selection at Indonesian Embassy/Consulate (28 December 2015 – 22 February 2016)
2. Announcement (30 May 2016)
3. Confirmation (30 May -17 June 2016)
4. Pre-departure briefing at Indonesian Embassy/Consulate (July 2016)
5. Orientation (End of August 2016)
6. Commencement of Program (Sept 2016 – August 2017)
*) University of Indonesia (11 August 2016)
III. Coverage of Scholarship
Monthly allowance will be received by student is Rp. 2.000.000,00 (two million rupiah).
a. Living Cost : Rp. 1.200.000,-
b. Book Allowances : Rp. 200.000,-
c. Local Transport : Rp. 200.000,-
d. Medical/Health Care : Rp. 200.000,-
Q. Pocket Money : Rp. 200.000.-
The student is advised to bring enough money in US dollar for unexpected additional expenses in Indnesia.
IV. Qualification of Applicants
Each student has to fulfill these requirements as the following:
a. Student
b. Completed secondary education or its equivalent
c. Not older than 30 years of age
d. Unmarried
e. In good health as proved by Medical Certificate
f. Able to communicate in English or Bahasa Indonesia is required
V. Have basic knowledge of the field you’re applying for is an advantage
VI. Procedures
The applicant should register through the following procedures:
Prospective students are required to register at the Embassy / Consulate General in the country of origin of students, and for students who are not in the student’s home country is not allowed to be registered through the Indonesian Embassy/Consulate General in the participating countries (non-citizenship).
VII. Application Requirements
Student must submit a complete application package that includes all the following items:
a. Completed admission-’application form
b. Recommendation letter from Higher Education Institution
c. Recommendation letter from Indonesian Embassy or Consulate General
d. Copy of academic transcript & certificate
e. Copy of language certificate (TOEFL/TOEIC/IELTS)
f. Copy of health certificate
g. Copy passport valid at least 18 months from time of arrival in Indonesia.
h. Curriculum vitae/resume
i. Passport size colour photograph (5 pieces)
Note Any documents must be translated in CngOsh
VIII. International Airfare Ticket
The Ministry of Education and Culture does not provide the return International airfare to Indonesia.
IX. Health Insurance
The Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) will not provide health insurance; therefore the students are expected to have the International insurance.
For those interested, please find attached the necessary documents: