Welcome to “The Diplomat”!

Welcome to “The Diplomat”.

Through our electronic pages we shall be presenting news and events of international diplomacy. In addition, we will also be checking upon news and events, organized by foreign missions and international organizations based in Greece.

Once a week, we will be taking a short tour in the top news and upcoming events.

Special reports such as refugee crisis are also on the way!

Exclusive TV interviews with prominent analysts, policy and decision makers, as well as in-depth analysis will also be hosted in The Diplomat

So, lets take a short tour to the upcoming events for this week.

“The International Conference on Religious and Cultural Pluralism  and the peaceful coexistence in the Middle East” has attracted international attention. The conference was organized by the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign affaris, as an initiative of the Greek MoFA, Nikos Kotzias.  VIPs from the diplomatic corps, politicians and high ranking religious figures attended the event.

The European Commission has decided to allocate additional €500 million for humanitarian assistance on the ground. You may read more details and watch video  on this topic on our website.

The European commission on immigration Dimitris Avramopoulos met with Turkish President Tayip Erdogan and Ahmet Davutoglou, to discuss the refugee crisis issue.

In the meantime the President of the European Commission, Jean Claude Junker called for Greek and Turkish joint patrols in the Aegean Sea. This statement triggered a strong reaction from the Greek Ministry of Foreign affairs.

Islamic Radicalism, its legal basis and the Islamic law, is the topic of the in-depth analysis by professor of Geopolitics, Dr Ioannis Mazis, whereas in the energy section, noticeable is the in-depth analysis by Dr Konstantinos Nikolaou, about the newly discovered natural gas reserve in Egypt, which could change the energy equilibrium in the Southeast Mediterranean.

In the diplomatic corps’ events section, it is worth checking the upcoming visit of the French President, in Athens. Mr Hollande will host a reception for the French community in Greece, on Friday 23rd of October at the French School of Athens.

Among others, it is worth checking the event organized by the French consul General and the Aristotelian university in Thessaloniki, on October 22nd.   The event is titled “Military operations in Thessaloniki in the First World War”.

Plus… check the exclusive TV report from the celebration of the World Day for Freedom and Democracy in Salamina. More than 19 ambassadors and representatives of foreign missions attended the event.

For further details on news, analysis, TV interviews as well as the event calendar, take some time to scan through our electronic pages.