Presentation of Slovenia for Greek Tour Operators

On Wednesday, 15.6.2016, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Athens in cooperation with Slovenian Tourist Organization organized a presentation of Slovenia and Slovenian tourism for Greek tourist agencies. The event was organized on the side lines of the newly established direct flight route between Athens and Ljubljana.

In her opening speech the Slovenian Ambassador in Greece Mrs Anita Pipan pointed out that the aim of the event is the presentation of Slovenia, its immense tourist possibilities and to further explore the possibilities for tourist exchange between Slovenia and Greece. That is in line also with the goals of the existing Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of tourism between Slovenian and Greek ministries of Tourism. She emphasized that the establishment of the new direct connection between Ljubljana and Athens gives us an additional impetus for establishing mutually beneficial partnerships, and strengthening the ties between our two countries. She presented the main attributes of Slovenia as a green, active and healthy tourist destination and linked the inaugural flight to Ljubljana with another special event this year – 25th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Slovenia.

A more detailed presentation of Slovenia and all its beauties was given by the representative of the Slovenian Tourist Board, Mr Josip Brezavšček.

The participants were impressed by the presentation and concurred with the tourist connoisseurs, who describe Slovenia as an earthly paradise of snow-capped peaks, turquoise-green rivers and Venetian-style coastline. Particular interest was given to Slovenian beneficial waters and natural spas, numerous hiking and biking possibilities and for Slovenian caves and beautiful medieval cities.


