ΙΙΕΚ NEW YORK: Shipping Success stories!

By focusing on the professional perspective and the need of the continuous education on the field of Shipping, ΙΙΕΚ NEW YORK assured for its students and anyone in interest, a seminar with professionals from the world of Maritime Professions, who informed the public about the development and prospects of their sector.

With the lecture hall packed with people, the distinguished, keynote speakers shared their knowledge of the shipping world with the public.

The ship owner, Mister Mavrakakis, with deep knowledge in shipping, spoke about the nature of his profession and the working demands asked form the senior executives in the Shipping area.

Alongside, Dr. Nicholas Themelaros, Admiral and Training Manager in TCM Academy – Tsakos Group, presented his point of view on public and private maritime education.

Conclusively, Mister Parisis, Captain Master Mariner under STCW Rules and professor of Shipping Business and Marine Engineering Management at the New York College Educational Group, shared his valuable knowledge on Yachting and the prospects for this leisure field of shipping in the market.

The seminar took place at the University Campus in Kallithea, followed by cocktail reception.
